科研项目: 1、国家自然科学基金 基于谓词抽象技术的访问控制策略安全性快速判定方法的fb体育研究(61300228) 在研,主持,2014-2016 2、江苏大学高级人才科研启动基金 基于布尔公式满足性求解的无干扰分析的fb体育研究,在研,主持,2012-2015 3、国家自然科学基金 信息流安全属性算术验证的fb体育研究(61003288),已结题,排名第二 4、江苏省自然科学基金 UCON 模型中基于谓词抽象和搜索空间划分的隐通道搜索方法 (BK2010192),已结题,排名第三 论文: [1]. Zhifeng Liu, Conghua Zhou, Yun Ge and Dong Zhang, Algorithmic Verification of Intransitive Noninterference for 3-domain Security Policies with a SAT Solver, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences. Volume 7, No. 5 (Sep. 2013), PP:1825-18350(SCI检索) [2]. 刘志锋, 周从华, 孙博, 概率实时时态认知逻辑模型检测中抽象技术的fb体育研究,电子学报,vol.40,No.7,1343-1351,2013.(EI检索) [3]. Liu Zhifeng, Ye Meng, ZhouConghua. Bounded model checking for repeated reachability and persistence properties in probabilistic reward temporal logic. Journal of Computational Information Systems, v 9, n 8, p 3261-3269, 2013. (EI检索) [4].)Liu Zhifeng, Sun Bo, Zhou Conghua, Three-valued Abstraction in Model Checking Real TimeTemporal Logic of Knowledge. Journal of Computational Information Systems, Vol. 8(13):5615-5627,2012. (EI检索) [5]. Liu Zhifeng, Ge Yun, Zhang Dong, Stepwise CTL Model Checking, Journal of Computational Information Systems, Vol. 7(13): 4772- 4780, 2011. (EI检索) [6]. Liu Zhifeng, Ge Yun, Zhang Dong, Zhou Conghua, Completeness of bounded model checking temporal logic of knowledge, Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 26(3):399-405, 2010.(EI检索) [7]. Zhifeng Liu, Zhihu Xing, Characterizing Petri Nets with the Temporal Logic CTL,National Conference on Information Technology and Computer Science (CITCS 2012), Published by Atlantis Press, 278-281, Lanzhou,China Nov.16-18, 2012.(EI检索) [8]. 周从华,刘志锋,吴海玲,陈松,面向无传递性安全策略的语法信息流分析方法,计算机科学与探索, 5(2):179-192, 2011. (SCI检索) [9]. 周从华,刘志锋,吴海玲,陈松,鞠时光,非传递广义无干扰属性符号化算术验证的fb体育研究,中国科学:信息科学, 41(11):1310-1327, 2011. (SCI检索) [10]. 周从华,刘志锋, 王昌达, 概率计算树逻辑的限界模型检测.软件学报, 23(7):1656-1668, 2012. (EI检索) [11]. 周从华,叶萌,王昌达,刘志锋.多智体系统中约简状态空间的限界模型检测算法,软件学报, 23(11):2835-2861, 2012. (EI检索) [12]. Conghua ZHOU, Bo Sun, Zhifeng LIU, Abstraction for model checking multi-agent systems, Front. Comput. Sci. China, 5(1):14–25, 2011. (SCI检索) [13]. Conghua Zhou, Bo Sun, Zhifeng Liu,Abstraction for Model Checking the Probabilistic Temporal Logic of Knowledge, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 6319:209-221, 2010. (EI检索) [14] 刘志锋, 鞠时光, 周从华, 王昌达, 隐通道传递信息机理的fb体育研究,计算机科学, 2007,vol.34,No.10, p92-95. [15] 刘志锋, 鞠时光, 李沛, 基于操作语义的磁臂隐通道分析,计算机应用fb体育研究,2007, vol.24, No.11, p157-160. 软件著作权 1. 基于Android的江苏大学校车定位系统V1.0 2014SR014596 2. 基于Android的镇江公共自行车查询系统V1.0 2014SR100623 3. “江苏大学团委”微信公众平台 2014R11L172138