主要论文: 1. A Similarity-based Framework for Classification Task. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (fb体育). (CCF-A类期刊,1作) 2. Expand globally, shrink locally: Discriminant multi-label learning with missing labels." Pattern Recognition 111 (2021): 107675. (SCI中科院1区,1作) 3. A Convex Formulation for Multiple Ordinal Output Classification. Pattern Recognition. 86 (2019): 73-84 (SCI中科院1区,1作) 4. Heterogeneous Multi-output Classification by Structured Conditional Risk Minimization. Pattern Recognition Letters. 116 (2018): 50-57 (SCI中科院3区,1作) 5. Multi-dimensional Classification via A Metric Approach. Neurocomputing. 275 (2018): 1121-1131 (SCI中科院2区,1作) 6. Several novel evaluation measures for rank-based ensemble pruning with applications to time series prediction. Expert Systems with Applications 42.1 (2015): 280-292. (SCI中科院2区,1作) 科研项目: 1. 基于语义知识迁移的弱监督多输出学习fb体育研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目( 62006098),主持; 2. 基于知识迁移的鲁棒弱监督多输出学习fb体育研究,中国博士后基金面上项目(2020M681515), 主持 指导学生情况: 目前已指导1名本科生参加科研立项,目前保送到中央音乐学院读研,已毕业一名fb体育研究生在苏州移动fb体育研究院从事算法或研发工程师。 非常欢迎对人工智能和机器学习方向感兴趣的毕业生报考本人硕士fb体育研究生,特别期望能与诚实认真、编程基础能力强的学生一起努力探索人工智能。 |